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Truck driver Jessica launches logistics career

Truck driver Jessica launches logistics career with apprenticeship distinction.

Truck driver Jessica Holden, 19 from Bury has a promising logistics career ahead, after achieving a distinction on her LGV driver apprenticeship with TRS. Jessica works for MJ Laycock Heavy Haulage Ltd in Bury, a family-run haulage company specialising in the movement of paper-making machinery.

With a keen independent spirit, Jessica knew from a young age she wanted to do something different. Growing up on her parents’ farm, she was no stranger to hard work and the great outdoors. To earn herself some money whilst she was at school, Jessica had a variety of weekend jobs, one of which was washing the wagons at MJ Laycock Heavy Haulage. Impressed with her work ethic, owner Matthew Laycock took Jessica on to work in the office, and then in August 2022 he offered her an apprentice HGV driver position, with training provided by TRS. Jessica accepted Matthew’s offer immediately, full of enthusiasm at the prospect of a career that would give her the freedom and independence she wanted for herself. As someone who enjoys her own company, and being self-reliant, professional truck driving ticked all the boxes for Jessica.

Inspiration to women considering HGV careers

To no one’s surprise, Jessica applied herself wholeheartedly to her apprenticeship, working hard to achieve her HGV Class 1 licence and complete all the modules on her course. She received support throughout from her TRS trainer, Gary Thompson who says:

“Jessica is amazing! Such a hard worker with the right values and approach to work and life. She thoroughly deserves her distinction and is a truly inspirational role model to any young woman considering a career as an HGV driver.

“Jessica’s success would not have been possible without the support of her employer, Matthew. In my experience, employers who have a real understanding of the workplace support required for an apprentice to flourish are invaluable. Matthew is certainly one of those who knows how to nurture confidence in a new employee and create on-the-job opportunities for them to practice skills.”

Apprenticeship provided broader logistics knowledge

Jessica says:

“My apprenticeship with TRS has given me my licence which is invaluable to my career. Not only that, it provided me with broader knowledge about the logistics industry which I wouldn’t have been able to pick up just from my job. For example, at MJ Laycock Haulage, we specialise in delivering paper-making machinery. It’s certainly an art form to secure these loads for transportation; we use specific cranes, knots and covers. My manager Matthew has taught me these expert skills and my apprenticeship has taught me about securing other types of loads that I don’t get a chance to deal with in my job.”

Community spirit and camaraderie

Jessica is just one of an increasing number of young women who are choosing careers in logistics. She is keen to dispel any lingering myths that lorry driving is not for women:

“There’s no reason why women can’t do this job. If you’re a female who likes driving and spending time alone, then I would say go for it! The solo nature of driving certainly appeals to me. And to break up long distances, there are always truck stops which offer community spirit and camaraderie with fellow truck drivers.”

Progression to transport manager

Having finished her LGV apprenticeship, Jessica is considering progressing to a transport management apprenticeship in the future. Being a farmer’s daughter, in the long term she dreams of driving livestock and feed wagons. In the shorter term, she is looking forward to driving the company wagons to some of the country’s truck shows:

“It’s a great scene and I’m proud to have the opportunity to represent MJ Laycock Heavy Haulage at the shows!” she says.

Find out more about MJ Laycock Heavy Haulage specialist transportation services.

Contact TRS to find out how our logistics apprenticeships can help you or your company.